Mediation by Gayle Michelle




neutral guidance to find fitting resolutions

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My trusted practice is known for my unwavering commitment to help individuals, families, businesses, counsel and their clients to settle a wide variety of concerns in a cooperative, problem-solving manner.  I'm dedicated to assisting those in conflict to achieve results by using collaborative methods in determining agreements that meet all parties’ specific interests. 

I have a history of getting positive results by working with people to reach peaceful resolutions. My excellent interpersonal, facilitation, coordination and case management expertise complements dispute resolution and enables peaceful negotiations with mutually beneficial results.

Please contact me by phone or email to discuss your needs and you will experience the friendly, personalized service you deserve. I am happy to answer your questions and give a no-fee confidential consultation. If you choose to mediate with me, I'll coordinate the parties, handle the details and provide neutral guidance throughout the process. Thank you for visiting!

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